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I was very frustrated when one of my trading site that you can bring at least $ 500 per day sales dropped because my programmer hmokdim ' mistake. as you know, you don't know anything about programming, I am still insist not to learn because you and I know it's a long time to offer therefore I prefer to work all my programming some freelancers jobs online.
So you can see I am coping with virtual programmers around the world through the Internet, especially from India-Egypt all the time. For this incident, I need a programmer to fix something minor me this particular site, after he honor, is to load the script without checking if the Web site is running. And I'm sure this is a mistake! displays one unprofessional how a person can be at times.I noticed that the site doesn't work when I found out was for sale for one day come to that particular website only (I was curious as they are used to see ' payment received from … "??"????? of ?????"?????? received from Paypal every morning I wake up).
To make things worst, due to the time difference, you wait for the programmer to come online before you can talk to him and to make sure that you don't have to sit in front of my computer waiting for him to come online, I decided to send him a few emails (not one) to show him how desperate I want it to fix the site to me asap. And due to some personal obligations, the programmer will be able to go online late at night. So basically I lose 2 days of sales.
Nothing is so much I can do and I just wait for him to come back to me.Really test it my patience.But after I watched someone posted the following video on Facebook, I realized how lucky I am like many many many many compared to the other in the world I know I get my site back at any time but this brilliant young gentlement from China will never be back to his more! so cool to think positive when things go wrong for us. why complain about your life when you still have the healthy two arms to make your life!
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Tagged with: China pionist • make money • online outsource • why frustrated
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