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Friday, October 15, 2010

Research keywords – easy to rank in Google SERPs

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Unless you are a hard core SEO, do not want to head to the top of the switch with large players in Google SERPs.

For example, if you sell women's clothes, not have time and capacity to rank first or the first page of Google for a keyword SEPRs of money such as ' women clothes. Even if you have the ability to rank first on the page, it may take you a few months or even years to get there.Therefore, the best way for you to get yourself found on the Internet fast and start to make money is through some long tail keywords, e.g. women's clothing, women's casual clothes tops etc. usually, you need your site to the first page of Google ranked SEPRs in brief few weeks for long tail keywords.  While you are making money on the Internet with long tail keywords, start working towards your Web site ranking for keywords of money.

Several free online tools such as Google keywords tool, you can find still essentially a lot of long tail keywords for profitable rate. but there are some limitations with the Google keywords tool, meaning that it gives a clear picture of how competitive one keyword is.Fabian Lim Singapore came with something amazing--keyword research Pro.

Fabian and me in  Kuala Lumpur keyword research Pro

Keyword research Pro he developed ' fill the gap ' of what Google keywords tool is not able to give you only to name what keyword research Pro make for you a few key features:

1 helps you locate literally millions of keywords within reach!

So for example, if you need 1,000 keywords for losing weight, keyword research Pro bring keywords and automatic dig until it returns you to 1,000 weight loss ' related keywords.

Keyword data sources include:

-Tool keywords bgogl Google
-Keyword discovery

2. offers multi-language and country targeting

Get keywords above 40 in different languages, to be 233 countries!

3. provides one-click product and brainstorming niche

Have an idea where to start? no problem!Just click the button ' Brainstorm ', the software give you plenty of ideas, in fact, you can get! literally of UNLIMITED product ideas.

With keyword research Pro, never activate product niche or ideas ever again! this is primarily a new comers beneficially who have an idea of what to sell online.

4. keyword analysis provides a REAL-TIME

Keyword research Pro not only tell you is the keyword at how popular it also have some competition is, how many people advertising on these keywords, some pay, their actual ad copy, you can even view your competitors ' landing pages actually!

Options analysis Pro research keywords:

-Competition: Google, Yahoo & Bing (an expression or broad matching, AllInTitle (default) & AllInAnchor)
-Powerful search: Google (the default), Wordtracker, 7 search keyword discovery
-Keyword effectiveness: keyword effectiveness index (the default) & R/S ratio
-Payment information by clicking: average cost-per-click (broad, phrase, exact), competing ads (PPC ad copy competitor analysis and actual landing with ease!)
-First page Search Engine results page (SERP): first SERP analysis page for each keyword through easy access of the ' one click '

Keyword research Pro do wonders for you …. battalions of long tail keywords because they convert better sometimes. check out the video below to see which keyword research Pro do for you:

Research keywords – easy to rank in Google SEPRs

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Tagged with: Google keyword tools • research • keyword keyword research, keywords, long tail • professional

Filed under: economical search engine

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